Someone wise once told me " the mountain you are praying to move may not need to move at all" ...Perhaps you need to just find a way to go around it...
I have been constantly praying to God to help me with a situation for years now. Recently I brought this mountain to God again and clearly I heard him speak to my heart saying " my daughter, you have what it takes to help yourself. I have created you in my own Image and likeness you have in you all you need to Overcome this."
What does it mean to overcome something? the concept of overcoming is very relative to the person experiencing the need for this break through. The oxford dictionary states that to over come means "succeed in dealing with (a problem or difficulty)".
In my opinion overcoming comes hand in hand with the concept of Acceptance. Accepting Life as you currently live it, including your past because without it you will not be here , and most importantly accepting your present and current condition whichever it is.
As Humans one of our biggest tendencies when faced with difficulties or problems of any kind is to find a way to run , run as hard as we can from it . I believe this stems somewhat from what is called our fight or flight response connected to our sympathetic nervous system.
When we find ourselves in less than stellar environments, Places of pain, difficulties etc , we only think of what we can do to get away from them in the hopes that we can survive and find comfort and peace again.
However what if instead of running we embraced the mountain, season, pain disturbance what ever situation it is that we find ourselves associated with . There is some peace and power that comes from this stance. Because once you embrace the situation you realize this situation, Problem, big bad wolf etc. is not as scary as it looked and you become empowered to deal with it.